When we close our eyes, the last thing we saw gets imprinted on the retina and leaves a somewhat ghostly transparent image that gradually fades away. No matter how hard we try to preserve it, it vanishes, much like our memory.
Movement propels us forward, towards tomorrow. It sometimes prevents us from fully enjoying today before it becomes yesterday. It hinders us from dwelling on the passage of time; it’s a forward escape.
The series « C’est bientôt hier » somewhat replicates this disappearance of places and people—a retinal impermanence. These images speak to us about the fragility of our time on Earth and the forgetfulness that gradually settles in, despite our efforts. Everything disappears.
« C’est bientôt hier » is the nostalgia of a bygone era, an anxiety about our own disappearance, but also melancholic and gentle images… as if freezing the passing of time on film were the best way to stop it. Four series photographed at different corners of the globe, each illustrating this passage of time differently.